We are the Park family.  We are missionaries to Santiago, Chile and have four children, Tomas, Kelcy, Annelise, and Hailey.  Click the video above for a brief overview of our ministry and stats about Chile.

Naldy is a Chilean-born church planter’s daughter.  She has worked for most of her teenage and adult life in camp ministries in Chile and in the church which her family started in 2005.   She is an accomplished singer and has traveled the countries of Chile and the USA singing and has recorded various Christian cd’s and been the female voice en various musicals in spanish.   God has been using her since the beginnings of their church to lead her friends to Christ and to disciple them.  Their church started img_20161218_212939around Naldy and her two brothers along with their friends who began accepting Christ.   Today the church has about 120 members and meets in the front yard under a tent in the original house they started in 11 years ago. (Picture to the right)

Jared was born into a church planter’s family.  His father and grandfather started High Point Baptist Chapel in Geigertown, Pa.  His father started High Point Camp and Jared was raised in this Camp/Church atmosphere.  He has worked in almost every aspect of both ministries.  He graduated with his Bachelor’s Degree from Clark’s Summit University and with a Masters of Divinity Degree from Calvary Baptist Theological seminary in 2006.  After graduating seminary he immediately went to the mission field of Chile to teach Bible in an MK school and to investigate the opportunity of a future camp & church planting ministry.   He met Naldy and her family in 2008 and they were married in 2011.  They made it to field as full-time missionaries in June of 2015 with the goal of establishing a spring-board for Chilean churches to plant more churches connecting them to evangelism and discipleship and training their leaders so that they plant more churches.

We believe God has called us to Chile to help start a church planting movement not only in Chile, but in South America and around the world.  We are convinced that our national brothers can plant churches in their own country much better than we ever could.   Together with several Chilean brothers and sisters in Christ, we started Tierra Alta Camp & Church Planting Center near Santiago and the surrounding cities.  Our goal is to use a camp ministry to lead into church planting.  A camp ministry by its very nature provides all the ingredients necessary to support and help maintain a church planting movement by funneling in leaders to the Church Planting Center.  We, Tierra Alta Camp & Church Planting Center, will come along side of churches in order to IDENTIFY the lost and potential church leaders, TRAIN these leaders and their churches in all things “church planting” and then CONNECT them to teammates, strategies and areas to start new churches.  Of course every movement has to start somewhere, but we found that it already has started so we have teamed up with several qualified Chilean leaders to help us get Tierra Alta started, to teach us the ropes of church planting in their culture and to also mentor other young men who are a part of our team so that they become lead church planters.

Chile itself was a highly Catholic country, but is transitioning to be a post-modern powerhouse in South America.  According to statistics Chile is 67% Catholic, 16% Evangelical, and 12 % Atheist.  Until recently, it was the most stable economically and politically of all South American countries, but political unrest has taken a major hold of the country.  Santiago and the surrounding cities hold over 58% of the entire population of Chile.  All these factors make it the prime place to start a project like this, a camp and church planting ministry that proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a major hub of South America.

We are honored to be sent out by Twin Valley Bible Chapel  (www.twinvalleybiblechapel.com) in Narvon, Pa and are missionaries with IBM Global (Independant Baptist Mission Global  – http://www.ibmglobal.org) out of Nashua, NH.

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